Thank you to everyone who helped, supported us and took part this year! It is really heartwarming to have run our 29th Pancake Race this year! Next year we will have to come up with a really good way of marking our 30th year! We will let you know how much we raised this year as soon as we have the figures completed and checked. In the meantime please scroll down to view the winning teams for this years event. We have also given a link to all our amazing supporters.

Huge thank you to our local MP Will Forster for awarding the prizes
Our fancy dress prize this year was awarded to the team from Woking Hospice

In third place we have the winning team from Freedom Leisure

In second place the fabulous team from Roar Outdoor

Finally top of the podium we have our winning team taking first place, none other
than the Security Team from Victoria Place Woking! Will Forster MP is presenting here with Woking Shopmobility Chairman Mr Pat Maguire. Images for the prizegiving by Alex Nairn.

Although Woking shopMobility has a membership fee and a user charge we also need to raise funds via different methods to support our service. One of our key events is our annual pancake race where we team up with businesses and retailers in Woking Centre to raise money for our service. The pancake race is an incredibly upbeat event of team participation mixed with a little healthy competition and most of all it's just good old fashioned fun . Next year (2026) we will be celebrating our 30th year. An important fundraiser for the service we could not do this without team sponsorship and donations from retailers and businesses in our community. If you would like to take part do send us an email to sign up! Email wokingshopmobility@gmail.com.